Bay Educational Support and Tutoring

Boost your scores and your confidence!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Should my child take the SAT or the ACT?

A: To start, I recommend that your child take one full-length practice SAT and one full-length practice ACT. We'll then set up a free consultation in which I will analyze their scores and personally recommend a test based off their strengths and weaknesses. I then create a customized plan for each student based on their individual needs, goals, and timeline before starting with our first lesson.

Q: How long should my child prepare for their SAT or ACT?

A: It largely depends on their goals and starting score - a longer prep timeline generally allows for a greater score increase. The majority of my students meet with me for between 3 - 6 months (meeting once a week), though I’ve worked with students for longer and shorter timelines as well.

Q: How many times should my child take the SAT or ACT?

A: It’s advisable to sign up for 2 - 3 official sittings, so that the pressure does not all fall on one day's performance. If your child reaches their score goals before then, they can always cancel their later registrations.

Q: When should I register my child for the test?

A: The earlier, the better. Popular locations in the bay area tend to fill up quickly, so it’s better to reserve your child a guaranteed seat for a convenient location, to avoid having to choose a less convenient testing center later down the line.

Q: What is a good score on the ACT or SAT?

A: It depends on what colleges your child is targeting. You can find each school’s suggested score range on their websites. College counselors, college representatives, and recruiters may also give you a target score.

Q: Why should we choose your services?

A: First and foremost, I get incredible results, with the majority of my students significantly increasing their scores. Unlike larger companies with their cookie-cutter approach to education and revolving door of inexperienced tutors, I can offer the highest caliber services. I take a holistic approach to education and offer a personally customized plan for each student based off their individual needs, goals, and timeline.

Q: What kind of score increase can my child expect to see after working with you?

A: It depends on your child's timeline and the effort that they are willing to dedicate to the process. Every child is unique. Many of my students see increases between 3 and 6 points on the ACT or 100 to 250 points on the SAT. I’ve helped motivated students increase their scores by as much as 10 points ACT / 300 points SAT with sufficient timelines, and have helped a number of students reach near-perfect scores. Contact me for a free consulation.

Q: Do you work with students who have anxiety or learning differences?

A: Yes! I have a background in psychology, I have worked with many anxious students and students with learning differences, including ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, and dyscalculia, and I can work with your student on a number of strategies to manage anxiety and other issues.

Q: Do you offer discounts for lower-income families?

A: Yes! I offer sliding scale tutoring for families with limited resources. Contact me for more information.

high school student