Bay Educational Support and Tutoring

Boost your scores and your confidence!


A few words from my former students and their parents, who hail from schools including:

- Marin Academy
- The Thacher School
- St. Ignatius
- Head-Royce School
- Lick-Wilmerding High School
- The Drew School
- The Branson School
- Sacred Heart College Prep
- Urban School of SF
- University High School
- Marin Catholic
- Bellarmine College Preparatory
- Phillips-Exeter Academy
- Bentley School
- The College Preparatory School
- The Bay School
- Bishop O'Dowd
-International High School
-Convent and Stuart Hall
- San Domenico
- St. Francis
- and more!

“Thank you so much for the time you spent with my daughter. We can’t thank you enough for your patience and efforts with her. She just got her test scores back and scored a 35. (initial 29) We’re so proud of her!"

"Just wanted to let you know that I got a 35 on the ACT, 36 on the english and 36 on the reading. Perfect scores!!! Thanks so much for all your help :)"

“I just got my ACT scores back and I got a 36 (perfect score) so I will not be needing to continue tutoring! Thank you so much for all your help over the past year—I couldn’t have done it without you!”

"My son just got his April ACT scores. From a 24 in Feb to a 29 in April!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!! AMAZING!!!!!"

"Fantastic news, my son got an 800 (perfect score) on his Biology subject exam! He couldn't believe it initially. He is going to reach out to Amanda to personally let her know and thank her for the excellent test prep."

"I just got my scores back and got a 35. Thank you all so much for all of your help!"

"My son just got his ACT scores from the September test, and I thought I'd share with you -- since you helped him focus etc. He got a composite score of 34. He is very happy! The pressure is off for him -- which is super nice. Thank you for your patience and guidance."

"My son's ACT scores were released last week, and we were extremely pleased with the results! Not only did he bump up his composite score three points, from 31 to 34, he gained a whopping four points on the English section of the exam, improving from 27 to 31. These gains make a difference both in my son's confidence about applying to the schools on his list, as well as improving his chances with merit scholarships. We all believe that the time he spent with you polishing his English test taking skills was a big factor in his improved scores, and for that, we want to thank you! We truly appreciate your low-key, encouraging approach and would be happy to refer you to friends who are in the market for an English tutor."

"My daughter wanted me to reach out to you and say thanks so much for your ACT help - She moved up to a 34 composite and is super happy :)"

"He did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S. Superscore could be higher ?- as prior Science was 33 and English was 27. Unbelievable Reading score!!!!!! Thank you for all your help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"I wanted to get back to you and let you know I got a 31 on English, 29 on reading, and a 28 composite score. Thank you so much for all your help, you are truly amazing!"

"I just recently received my ACT scores from the Sept test. I got 36 in English, 33 in Math, 35 in Reading, 26 in Science, and a 9 in Writing for a composite score of 33. Despite my low Science score, I could not have hoped for better scores!! Thank you so much for all of your help this summer!!! I really appreciate it!"

"My son got his ACT scores last night and is VERY happy :) Thanks again for your help."

"I thought you'd be happy to see that your tutoring paid off! My son increased his composite score to a 31."

"You have done a great job in helping my daughter with the science section, thank you!!! She has the confidence now to go into the test and spread it:)"

"We are so happy! Thank you for your help. Also, just for your records, this was the 3rd time my daughter took the test after getting two 29s, and it was clearly Amanda's tutoring that helped her!!!

"Wonderful! Amanda was spot-on in her tutoring, so nice, really helped my daughter learn strategies. Our family is very happy!"

"My daughter absolutely loved this science tutor, Amanda- she really connected with her. As you know science was her big struggle."

"I just wanted to circle back and say that we were so happy with Amanda. My daughter really enjoyed working with her. Definitely helpful in boosting her ACT score. Amanda was also really helpful in working with her on her college essay."